For the dissemination of Regulated Information, Destination Italia S.p.A. has chosen to make use of the 1Info system(, managed by Computershare S.p.A. having its registered office in Milan, via Lorenzo Mascheroni 19, and authorized by CONSOB.
Share Capital
The share capital of Destination Italia S.p.A. is Euro 10,846,290.92 divided into no. 17,013,478 ordinary, no par value indicated. Destination Italia S.p.A.’s Ordinary Shares are admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Milan.
The share capital of Destination Italia S.p.A. is Euro 12.069.265,92 divided into no. 19.262.228 ordinary shares, no par value indicated. Destination Italia S.p.A.’s Ordinary Shares are admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Milan.
Ordinary shares
Number of shares
Composition Actuated
The following chart shows the composition of the shareholder structure, according to the results of the shareholder register as well as based on other information available to Destination Italia S.p.A.
*Company traceable to Dina Ravera (69.93%) and Giulio Valiante (30.07%).
* Company traceable to Dina Ravera (69.93%) and Giulio Valiante (30.07%)
Lensed Star S.r.l.*
Number of shares: 6.404.958
% ordinary shares: 34,37%
Other Members with lock-up
Number of shares: 540.400
% ordinary shares: 7,36% NV
Number of shares: 2.116.400
% ordinary shares: 10,99%
Number of shares: 8.271.720
% ordinary shares: 47,28%
Disclosure obligations of significant shareholders
Pursuant to the Euronext Growth Milan Issuers’ Regulations approved and published by Borsa Italiana as amended and supplemented (the “Euronext Growth Milan Issuers’ Regulations“), anyone who comes to hold at least 5% of a class of financial instruments of Destination Italia S.p.A. admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Milan is a “Significant Shareholder.” Reaching or exceeding the thresholds of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50%, 66.6% and 90% of the share capital, as well as a reduction below the aforementioned thresholds, constitute, pursuant to the Euronext Growth Milan Issuers’ Regulations, a “Substantial Change” that must be reported by Significant Shareholders to Destination Italia S.p.A. within 4 trading days, starting from the day on which the transaction involving the Substantial Change was carried out.
This communication must state:
The identity of the Significant Shareholders involved;
The date on which Destination Italia S.p.A. was informed;
The date on which the Substantial Change in Holdings occurred;
The price, amount and category of Destination Italia S.p.A. financial instruments involved;
The nature of the transaction;
The nature and extent of the Significant Shareholder’s interest in the transaction.
To this end, each Significant Shareholder may use the disclosure templates set forth in the “Discipline on Transparency” (as defined in the Euronext Growth Milan Issuers’ Regulations) with particular regard to the information and disclosures due from Significant Shareholders. The above notice must be made by registered letter with return receipt to be sent to the Company at its administrative offices in Milan, Galleria Sala dei Longobardi 2, zip code 20121, anticipated via PEC to the Company’s address
The share capital of Destination Italia S.p.A. is €10,283,914.37 divided into no. 12,158,182 ordinary shares, no par value indicated. Destination Italia S.p.A.’s Ordinary Shares are admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Milan.
Global Coordinator and Nominated Adviser
PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A.
Auditing Company
EMINTAD Italy S.r.l.
Financial advisor
RSM Studio Palea Lauri Gerla Milan
Tax Advisor – Tax Due Diligence / Tax Comfort Letter
Alma - Society of Lawyers S.r.l.
Legal Advisor
RSM Società di Revisione e Organizzazione Contabile S.p.A.